My Child Is Feeling Dizzy And Sick Should I Take Them To A Pediatric Emergency Room?

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When your child gets hurt or sick, your first instinct is to get them the best possible care. However, sometimes you don’t have time to wait and see your regular physician. For those that need quality care and fast, a pediatric emergency room is where you need to go. Able to treat a variety of minor to moderate illnesses and injuries, these are an essential middle-ground between your everyday doctor and the hospital room.

Urgent Cares And Emergency Rooms

Not every injury or illness is severe enough to warrant a trip to the hospital, but are painful enough to necessitate treatment. A pediatric emergency room can provide your child with the necessary check-up, brace or medication to keep them healthy and put them on the fast track to a full recovery. If your child is able to move and breathe without trouble but is struggling with pain that doesn’t seem to go away, a pediatric emergency room is the first place to go. The most common diagnosis in the average urgent care center is an upper respiratory condition, dizziness, nausea and back pain.

Fractures And Sprains

Some of the most common issues brought to a pediatric emergency room are fractures and sprains. These are frequently caused by sports, though sometimes can occur through everyday play or an accident. Four out of five urgent care centers will provide fracture care for your child, but it’s important to double-check the ones in your area so you’re ready when you arrive. More than 80% of the ankle sprains brought to the table are a result of an inversion (or an inward rolling) of the ankle.

Upper Back Pain And Lower Back Pain

One of the most frequent sources of chronic pain in the United States is that of upper and lower back pain. Studies have shown at least 70% of American adults saying lower back pain significantly impacts their day-to-day lives, with four in 10 people attempting to exercise in order to relieve lower back pain symptoms. Common side-effects of ongoing back pain is stiffness, trouble sleeping, moderate pain, severe pain and difficulty walking, sitting or laying down.

Dizziness And Nausea

A somewhat more difficult symptom to navigate is that of dizziness and nausea. The difficulty comes from the ambiguity of the source and how it can be attributed to a number of causes. Over 65% of individuals over the age of 60 will experience dizziness or loss of balance on a daily basis. Dizziness is also the second most common complaint heard in doctor’s offices and up to 70% of the population will experience this side-effect sometime in their lives.

When To Visit An Emergency Room

Healthcare is changing noticeably. By the time 2030 arrives six out of 10 Baby Boomers will be attempting to manage a chronic condition. Another one out of 10 Baby Boomers report their physical activity has been limited to just a few days per month. When it comes to taking care of your child, accessing everyday medical resources will prevent long-term pain from cropping up. More than 25,000 Americans suffer from an ankle sprain on a daily basis and nearly three million patients visit them every week according to studies conducted by the Urgent Care Association Of America. Emergency room care is a valuable resource created to keep you and your family safe all days of the year.

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