If you’re checking dermatologist reviews for the best rated dermatologist clinic in your area, you may not be getting the full picture. Even with the best rated dermatologists, it’s critical to check credentials and make sure you’re in good hands, and the best way to do that is ask if the doctor is Board-certified in Dermatology.
You’d think that the best rated dermatologist online would have to be certified, but there’s actually no law that prevents doctors from giving themselves whatever title they choose. There are plenty of dermatology clinics across the country set up by doctors looking to make money in the lucrative skin-care business without investing in the right training.
This means that you could end up with a pediatrician, gynecologist or radiologist looking at your skin instead of someone who’s actually been trained to identify and treat skin problems. Often there’s no downside to this for doctors. They can often make more money offering ever-popular cosmetic procedures than they can in their own practice, and there’s little to no regulation stopping them.
You even have to be wary of plastic surgeons who offer dermatology services. Plastic surgeons are primarily trained to perform operations and may not know how to treat skin issues other than wounds. Some plastic surgeons leave non-surgery procedures to nurses, but that means their supervising employees in procedures they may not know how to perform.
You should always contact or visit a dermatologist before you decide to employ their services, and when you do, be sure to ask if there are doctors on staff who are Board-certified in Dermatology. You can also go to the American Academy of Dermatology website at www.AAD.org and check their database, which lists all dermatologists who have been certified as dermatologists by the board.
Don’t trust your skin care to a sub-par dermatologist. Do your homework and make sure you end up with someone with training, experience and the proper certification.
For more, read this link.