They seem to arrive so quickly. Just when you thought that you had plenty of time to fit yourself into that gorgeous holiday dress that you bought off the sale rack last year, reality reminds you that you need to fit into that dress next weekend. Although you started the year off right in 2016, the summer vacation and the family get togethers proved to be too much of a temptation and you now find your self looking less that ideal in the holiday attire you planned to wear.
From wanting to lose a few pounds to fit into a New Year’s Eve dress to needing to lose a significant amount of weight to make sure that you are not going to live a life threatened by high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, medical weight loss programs can often help you meet your goals. From physicians weight loss clinics to medically supervised weight loss and exercise programs, today is always the best time to get started on reaching your new goals. Telling yourself that you will not start to follow the advice about eating healthy and getting more exercise until after Christmas is foolish. Waiting until the first day of 2017 to start your new walking program is ridiculous. Now is the time. This is the place.
Medical Weight Loss Programs Can Help People with a Variety of Weight Loss Goals
On the surface, dieting is a pretty straight forward task. For instance, by following the dietary and exercise guidelines recommended by health professionals it should be easy to maintain a healthy weight. Unfortunately, that is not always as easy as it sounds. For instance, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that Americans eat more fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet. Achieving that goal of healthier eating, however, does not always work. For one thing, eating all fruits and vegetables limits the taste experience of food. And even if you are someone who has great restraint not all weight goals can be reached by eating fruits and vegetables. For some, their metabolism simply does not allow people to efficiently process and use food, instead allowing it to be stored as fat.
In a time when it seems like everyone has spent years trying to get us to eat more, meeting healthy eating guidelines can be even more difficult. Did you know, for instance, that between the years 1970 and 2008 the food available for consumption increased in all major food categories? Perhaps it is for this very reason that the average daily calories per person in the marketplace increased approximately 600 calories. And we wonder why there are as many as two in three adults in America are considered to be overweight or obese.
Medical weight loss solutions, however, can help many people jump start their weight loss efforts. Some very specific procedures, in fact, can help people work toward their goals. Some of the medical weight loss programs that many find effective include procedures like fat removal, body sculpting processes, and weight loss shots in the stomach. Even when these medically approved procedures are used, however, it is essential that patients strive toward a healthier diet and a more regular exercise routine. How good are you at following these recommended guidelines:
- Healthy strength training should include exercises that requires muscles to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as free weights.
- Even a small weight loss that measures between 5% and 10% of your current weight can help improve your health and lower your risk of developing diseases associated with obesity, like heart disease, stroke, some cancers, Type II diabetes, and other conditions.
- Government health guidelines recommend that healthy adults should take part in aerobic activity of moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes a week. Another option is participating in aerobic activity of vigorous intensity for 75 minutes a week.
- Keeping a record of how much you eat and how much you exercise can help many people track and reach goals.
- Consulting with a physician before any major kind of weight loss program is advised. Medical weight loss programs, in fact, can help people with a variety of different weight loss goals achieve success.
Today, not tomorrow, is the day to start!