The controversy over medical marijuana and its uses is a big one, and many people are totally against the thought of using a “drug” to treat a serious illness. However, those who have used medical marijuana to help treat symptoms of serious conditions realize that it does actually have medical benefits. The most common ailments where marijuana is used as a treatment include arthritis, cancer, chronic pain, Crohn’s Disease, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and sever nausea.
One in every four Americans have suffered from pain that lasts longer than 24 hours, and millions more suffer from acute pain, which means that they could potentially be candidates for medical marijuana treatment. Medical marijuana had been shown to help with chronic pain and have much less side effects than relying on painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet. These drugs, while powerful, have a long list of serious side effects, and many of them result in addiction.
Medical marijuana doctors are able to prescribe marijuana over these addictive painkillers, and as far back as 1975 it was shown than the THC in marijuana was effective in reliving cancer patients of the toxic side effects of other drugs used to help them feel better and improve their quality of life. Remember, we are talking about legal medical marijuana that can be used by smoking it, eating it, or using an oral cannabis spray.
Over 5,000 visits to emergency rooms each day are due to drug abuse. This is why it is so important to really consider the pros and cons of using medical marijuana to treat a condition. Medical marijuana is not addictive and does not have serious side effects like addiction and other harmful consequences. People from all walks of life have unfortunately been the victim of opioid dependence and addiction. If you want to ensure that you or a loved one does not become addicted to these medications used to help deal with chronic pain, you should consider medical marijuana because of its benefits.
Other ailments that are sometimes treated with medical marijuana include high blood pressure, attention deficit disorder (ADD), autism, alcoholism, hypoglycemia, and leukemia.
The list continues, including ailments like bipolar disorder, asthma, back pain, autoimmune disease, and irritable bowl syndrome.
Medical marijuana, again, has been the center of a lot of controversy for moral and ethical reasons. However, one should talk to their doctor about the benefits of medical marijuana fro certain ailments as a form of treatment. It truly has the power to change someone’s life and the pain they feel.