4 Tips For a Better Recovery Following Knee Replacement Surgery

knee replacement surgery

Orthopedic doctors are great for everything from comforting conversations about impairments to major knee replacement surgery. Rather than living with extreme discomfort or pain in your knee, consider visiting one of these orthopedic specialists and potentially having your knee surgically replaced.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, in 2014, approximately 4.7 million Americans were living with artificial knees. If you’re serious about going through with a knee replacement surgery, it’s important that you know how to successfully recover.

Whether you have an upcoming surgery or simply want to learn more about this procedure before contacting orthopedic surgeons, here are some tips that will help you recover faster following a major knee surgery.

Schedule follow-up appointments

If you’re serious about a successful recovery, you need to visit your orthopedic doctor multiple times following your surgery. If you skip appointments or never schedule any follow-up meetings, you’ll run the risk of not healing properly. Take your rehab seriously. At the first sign of complications, call your doctor.

Work on your extensions

When you’re at home throughout the day, focus on straightening your leg as much as you can while you recover. By working on flexing and extending your leg, it will heal much faster and you’ll be able to get back on your feet sooner.

Here’s a good way to improve your extensions: lay down with a rolled towel underneath your foot and stay there as long as you can (with your leg straight).

Avoid any stress on your knee

Don’t lift anything heavy for a while until you are fully recovered. If you place too much stress on your new knee, you could severely damage it before the healing is complete. Be extra careful as you move any part of your body as well. Even turning too fast can cause harm to your knee.

Cut down on smoking and drinking

Your body won’t heal properly if you are still drinking or smoking too often. Following major surgeries like this knee or hip replacement surgery, you’ll likely be prescribed blood thinners. As a result, you should refrain from drinking while on this medication. In addition, smoking slows down the healing process because your blood vessels shrink as you smoke.

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