A number of different skin rejuvenation treatments are available with the use of lasers; intense, pulsating light; and photodynamic therapies to help improve overall skin conditions. With most of this being used on the face, treatments help resolve issues like wrinkles, spots, and textures.
Thermal Skin Rejuvenation
With one of the key processes working to reverse the aging process of the skin being thermal skin rejuvenation, there is much to gain as it helps skin heal itself by creating new cells. All signs of aging are reversed in the removal of the image of damage. As the original rejuvenation technique was created back in the 90s by Thomas L. Roberts, III, with CO2 Laser Rejuvenation, a lot of technology advancements have been made for almost three decades now.
Sources of American Skin Problems
A number of different situations and events play a role in the skin problems faced by Americans as we age. There are definitely natural aging results that appear on the skin, but many of our traditional lifestyle habits and patterns including these:
About three-quarters of all Americans are chronically dehydrated.
On average, Americans only drink about 2.5 cups of water daily.
About eight of ten adults under the age of 36 agree that they “could be healthier”.
Obesity has been reported in a majority of the population of 10 states as of 2016.
Over a third of adults get less than the needed seven hours of sleep every day.
Additional Anti-Aging Skin Treatments
In addition to thermal skin rejuvenation, there are many different types of skin treatments that may help reverse the appearance of aging or at least help improve the skin’s appearance. Not all of these need to be surgical or injections, while there are some that include simple daily surface treatments of the facial skin in order to help with the removal of dead skin and rejuvenation of healthy skin. Some of these treatments include:
- Anti-aging skin resurfacing treatment
- Aquagold facial
- Chemical peels
- Collagen and elastin
- Custom facials
- Dermaplane facial
- Facial spa
- Fractora
- Hydrafacial
- Microdermabrasion
- Procell microchanneling
So many benefits come from all of these different treatments available to help with the improvement of skin health and the reversal of aging. With the improvements of skin tightening and hydration, there is much to see in the confidence and self-beauty that is gained from non-surgical facial treatments. There is clearly no need to go under the needle when looking for improved appearance of the skin, but just that which will best treat the issues that have most brought the images of age to your facial skin.