A little alcohol can be a great way to unwind. It slows down your heart rate and makes that night out with your friends feel all the more relaxing. What happens when you start drinking too much?
Alcoholism is frequently characterized as someone who binge drinks day in and day out. While that certainly is the case for some, many times this condition creeps up in a more subtle manner…such as saying ‘just one more’ when you know you should be cutting back. Never turning down a drink when it’s offered. Needing to drink even more in order to get the same buzz you used to. When alcohol starts taking over your life it can feel like a spiral that never stops.
The detox process is a slow and careful journey, one that begins with the right step forward.
Did You Know?
Drugs take on many forms, both legal and illegal. Did you know that alcohol is the number one drug problem in the United States as we know it? Those most vulnerable to problem drinking are young adults between the ages of 18 and 29, with mental illness, poverty and a family history of substance abuse increasing this significantly. While only 10% to 20% of alcoholics have an alcohol withdrawal issue severe enough to require assistance, that’s no reason to assume you’ll be one of the lucky few. Nip this problem in the bud by arming yourself with some knowledge on the matter.
What Is Alcoholism?
This term is used to describe an individual who is unable to quit drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. A genetic predisposition can put some at higher risk for alcoholism than others, though a family history is far from the only contributor to this condition. Depression and anxiety also cause people to reach for the bottle far more frequently than is healthy. A recent study found as many as 55% of the adults in the country reporting one or more of their close relatives having a drinking problem. Drug detox is necessary before the drug rehabilitation process can begin.
How Much Is Too Much?
Alcohol can actually be quite good for you when taken in moderation. A glass of red wine multiple times per week has been linked with a happier blood pressure and reduced rates of stress, with similar statistics shown with a bottle of average beer in the same time period. Everyone also has different levels of tolerance when it comes to getting buzzed or drunk. The average adult woman shouldn’t have more than seven alcoholic drinks per week, with the average man needing to slow down after 10 or so. Your body’s natural detox process should always have a few days at a time if you overdo it.
What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Alcoholism?
Alcoholism can take over your life before you know it. It leaves you craving the bottle more often than not, affects your ability to work and can even cost you friends. Liver cirrhosis is a condition caused by excessive drinking, damaging your liver over time and causing nausea, pain and even trips to the emergency room. Acute withdrawal can last anywhere from three to five days, eventually causing PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome) that can last up to a year. An alcohol detox center can help you with the detox process and return your life back to you.
How Can I Start The Detox Process?
The detox process rids your body of the chemicals that have led to withdrawal and struggle, paving the way for you to finally begin seeking help for your issue. It’s estimated the average alcohol addiction patient will receive treatment eight years after they first develop the condition. Alcoholism, at best, can cost you your job and leave you feeling nauseous, cranky and depressed. At worst it can send you to the hospital. Alcoholism treatment involves meeting with a support group weekly, with your addiction to alcohol analyzed from its root to promote thorough healing from top to bottom.
Alcoholism isn’t you. Look into alcohol detox centers in your area and start your recovery journey today.