You noticed him when you pulled into the church parking lot.
At first you assumed that the choir director was standing on the stairs to the east entrance because he was talking in the phone. When you got closer, however, you realized he was simply leaning on the brick wall stretching his lower back. He explained that he had been dealing with lower back pain for a number of months and that this leaning into a wall stretch was on of three things that had been helping hime get some relief. He went on to explain that he also used a pair of crutches at home he could let his armpits support him while his back simply stretched. The third technique was a warm tube that he laid on top of on the floor while he arched and released his back. The floor stretch and the stretch using the crutches were thinks he could only do at home, but this leaning into the wall stretch worked almost anywhere.
Back Pain Relief Options Include Physical Therapy and Other Types of Treatments
Whether you are looking for relief from a temporary lower back pain caused by working to long in the garden over the weekend or you are looking for relief from shoulder pain from playing too much softball, finding the right doctor with the right treatment option can make all of the difference in the world. In fact, back, neck, and shoulder pain can completely interrupt your life and cause you to lose sleep as well.
If you are someone who is suffering from lower back pain or other conditions that could benefit from treatment, a combination of doctor’s appointments, physical therapy sessions, and chiropractic visits might help you find the relief that you are looking for. Did you know, for instance, that back pain relief is one of the most sought after treatments in the country? From choir directors who find themselves standing for long periods of time to recreational athletes who over strain their muscles, low back pain is a common ailment.
Consider some of these other facts and figures about pain and the management techniques that more and more people are taking advantage of:
- 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
- Pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer is known as chronic back.
- 39% of adults reported that lower back pain prevents them from fully engaging in daily tasks, according to the APTA Move Forward survey.
- 59% of chronic-pain sufferers reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
- With 10% of people worldwide being afflicted with lower back pain, this is now the world?s leading cause of disability, according to a Annals of Rhuematic Diseases study.
- Unfortunately, 37% of Americans who experience low back pain never even seek professional help.
Whether you have been dealing with back pain for many years or you are suffering shoulder pain for the first time in your life, finding relief is important. Do you have an upcoming appointment that can help you find the help that you need to get through the day, and night, more comfortably?