Many people realize they need to lose weight, yet find it difficult to achieve consistency in weight loss. Almost everyone begins a weightloss treatment plan with a high level of motivation. However, it is common for people to give up too easily. Many people in the same situation find that working with other people with the same problem to be helpful.
While it’s natural to begin a diet hoping to achieve a fit body faster, speed doesn’t produce healthy long-term weight loss. Losing a large amount of weight too quickly through severe calorie restriction can place a severe strain on the body. According to Healthline, lifestyle changes that gradually shift your food choices to healthier options are more likely to result in healthy weight loss.
According to Eating Well, for permanent weight loss a person should track their food intake while adhering to a well-balanced food plan. A well-balanced food plan includes foods which will fuel weight loss, such as whole grains and lean proteins. The same website agrees that the support of others is crucial, so seek out a support group where you can give and get encouragement.
If you were the kind of person who needed positive reinforcement, yesterday would have been a very good day.
In the morning you were able to listen to a nationally known speaker who directs the national Special Olympics office. As part of his visit to town, he met with three area youth. One was a current high school student, the other two were recent graduates in the area. In the past you have substitute taught two of the students, and the third student, the oldest of the three, is the son of a friend of yours. This meant, of course, that you knew the stories of the students the speaker referenced during his talk.
The speech was both motivational and emotional. Following the speech you returned home to an email from the theater teacher at one of the schools where you sub. She was asking for your written permission to use three of the photos you had taken last year while you were subbing the day of a dress rehearsal. The performance which was a combination of the Theater I students and the differently abled students from the resource room is going to be featured in a national publication.
The morning’s speech was impactful because you were familiar with the students and the programs that were discussed. It was also impactful because it reminded you of why you find yourself enjoying the subbing in these particular kinds of classrooms.
Most People Respond to Positive Reinforcement
Although there are many times when the pay alone is enough to keep workers on task, there are still many times when positive comments from a supervisor are helpful as well. Knowing that you will be recognized for the good work that you do, instead of only being reprimanded when things go wrong, can keep you on track to doing your best job.
the same, of course, is true for physical fitness. Just as many people find themselves more motivated when they are recognized for their good work in the office, there are many people who need some kinds of positive reinforcement when they are starting a new exercise routine. And when you are dong a workout that will build muscle, but not necessarily help you lose weight that reinforcement may have to look a little different. Fortunately, most strength training classes that are working to help participants build muscle have motivation worked into the routine workouts as well.
Unfortunately, we live in a time when fewer than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. In fact, only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. This means that the decision to lose weight or build muscle may put you in a category where many of your friends and family are not. For this reason, it is important to find a community that will help you get the results that you need. With the right mentors and supporters, you can achieve your goals to both lose weight and build muscle if you are willing to stay committed.
Consider some of these other facts and figures about the many reasons why Americans need to do everything they can to stay as physically active as possible:
- A mere 35% to 44% of adults 75 years or older are physically active, and 28% to 34% of adults ages 65 to 74 are physically active.
- More than 60% of U.S. women do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity.
- Only six states require physical education for Kindergarten through grade 12.
- As many as 28.0% of Americans, which represents just 80.2 million people, aged six and older are physically inactive.
- More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for aerobic and muscle strengthening activities.
- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that people between the ages of 18 and 64 engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity, every week
If being motivated is your problem, find a group that will give you the positive reinforcement you need to be your best self, whether that best self is trying to lose weight or build muscle. Are you ready to start?