When most people think of drug rehabilitation they probably cling to the things they’ve seen in movies and television. While some of these depictions of drug rehab centers are more accurate than others, there are things about rehab that people who haven’t attended themselves might not know. To get a better idea of what rehab in the real world is like, here are three things you should know about drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
1) Not all Rehab is the Same
Since there are so many different people out there with different addictions, the same type of rehab isn’t always as effective for treating one patient as it is another. While the main goals of rehab remain the same, the methods can vary greatly.
The largest distinction between types of rehab are outpatient and inpatient rehab. Most forms of entertainment only show inpatient rehab because these centers provide a space for multiple people with drug addictions to convene, discuss, and potentially form bonds. Indeed, inpatient rehab clinics typically provide a communal atmosphere. Part of the rehabilitation process in these centers is being around others with similar problems. These centers also provide more monitoring for those with severe addictions who are at greater risk of relapse and withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient rehab is a bit more liberating and individualistic. The patient can still live at home as opposed to primarily the rehab center. Still, they must be present at certain meetings, etc. Outpatient rehab is ideal for those who are still able to work and live their daily lives but need professional help to stop their addiction.
2) Public and Private Rehab
Another distinction between the types of rehabilitation is whether or not they’re funded publicly or privately. Public funding means funded by government agencies. In other words, some money from taxpayers helps fund these programs through the town, county, or state legislatures. The advantage to public rehab is that cost is typically lower than that of private rehab, since it is subsidized by there government. However, this lowered cost also means higher demand, so these clinics are typically more crowded and potentially less specialized.
Private inpatient rehab centers, on the other hand, are more costly. But the advantages of private rehab are plenty. The extra cost goes towards care that is more catered to a patient’s personal needs. Also, these centers are usually larger, less crowded, have more activities for patients, and even introduce new methods of therapy for new patients if needed.
Whether or not a patient chooses to attend a public or private rehab clinic will largely depend on their budget and needs. Both types of rehab facility have proven to be effective for many attendees.
3) After Rehab
Another thing that most shows and movies don’t mention is that even after a patient is done with rehab, the work is far from over. Battling addiction is a constant struggle. The purpose of rehab, both inpatient and outpatient, public and private, is to not only detox the patients, but to give them the tools and confidence needed to continue on their path of sobriety. Just because the patient has spent a good amount of time at a rehab facility doesn’t mean that relapse is impossible in the future.
After leaving rehabilitation, many patients stay in touch with the people they met during treatment. Additionally, family and friends are encouraged to not enable the patient to get back into old habits. Keeping addiction away is truly a group effort, and while rehabilitation does its best to ensure its patients don’t repeat the past, it’s only part of the struggle for a sober lifestyle.
Drug addiction is a serious problem all over the world. In Canada alone, more than 47,000 deaths each year are attributed to some form of substance abuse. And for female addicts, they are 54% more likely to prematurely die from drug use. These statistics help shine a light on why rehabilitation is so important and necessary. Lives are not only improved but saved as a result. While rehab can come in many shapes and sizes, the ultimate goal of all forms of rehabilitation is to empower people to fight addiction on their own.