The Case For Urgent Care Centers In The United States

If you’re looking for fast and efficient medical care, consider an urgent care center near you. Urgent care locations are spreading all throughout the country, becoming more popular than ever before. Each and every week, for instance, up to three million people are able to receive quality treatment at an urgent care center in their area. In addition to this, up to 20,000 doctors and medical professionals are also employed at urgent care centers throughout the country, something that is also very much ideal – and a number that is certainly likely to increase in the years that are ahead of us.

After all, urgent care centers and other such walk in clinics can treat a wide variety of medical concerns. Minor injuries and common illnesses, for instance, are ideal to take to your local urgent care center. If it’s after hours for your local doctor’s office, you might think that minor injuries will need to be seen in the emergency room. Fortunately, this is not the case, as minor injuries can be treated with ease in the typical urgent care location.

For instance, ankle sprains are minor injuries that occur quite frequently indeed. As a matter of fact, as many as 25,000 ankle sprains will occur throughout the United States over the course of just one single day. Ankle sprains are typically minor injuries and it is not necessary to seek emergency room treatment for them. Fortunately, urgent care locations are open both earlier and later than the traditional doctor’s office, and so you can go to an urgent care location for minor injuries that still need treatment instead of wasting an immense amount of time and money in your local emergency room.

Other minor emergencies might include cuts. It can be difficult to ascertain whether or not some minor injuries need stitches and so taking these minor injuries in to be assessed by an urgent care doctor is more than ideal. Many an urgent care center can even perform stitches on minor injuries that are in need of them.

In addition to minor injuries, urgent care locations can provide treatment for common illnesses as well. They can even provide some forms of preventative care, primarily in the form of the flu shot. After all, the flu is quite nasty to get indeed and for most people, the flu shot is not particularly expensive – even for those who don’t have insurance. Getting a flu shot at a local urgent care center will take just mere minutes out of your day – and will be well worth it in the long run.

If you suspect you have the flu, going in to see a doctor at your local urgent care center can still be beneficial. After all, anti viral treatments won’t cure your flu by any means, but can shorten the duration of your illness by a few days. For anyone who has had the flu and knows what it feels like, attesting that this is certainly impressive and important will be quite easy to do indeed. And as up to 200,000 people will be hospitalized for complications like pneumonia and sepsis that they have contracted as a result of the flu, getting your flu shot is quite hugely important indeed and something that could save your life as well as the lives of others all around you.

Fortunately, going to an urgent care center for treatment has become easier now than ever before. This is true for some of the reasons that have been discussed above, of course, but also for the speed and efficiency that the typical urgent care location makes possible. In fact, more than 90% of all urgent care locations actually have average wait times that don’t exceed even just half of an hour. And more than half of all urgent care locations in this country – around 60% of them, to be a bit more precise – actually have average wait times of only just 15 minutes. It’s common for the average patient to come in, be seen and treated by a doctor on staff, and be on their way all within the span of just one hour.

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