Month: December 2014

Bioidentical hormone therapy
Bioidentical hormones indianapolis
Menopause solutions
You’ll Never Believe How Much Hormones Effect Your Well-Being
We’ve all been touched by menopause: maybe your mom has it, maybe your grandma, maybe your sitting there, reading this right now, wondering if you…

Why It’s Important to Look Beyond Dermatologist Before-and-After Photos
You’ve likely seen advertisements for local dermatologists accompanied by stunning before-and-after photos of patients, along with testimonials claiming how their life has been changed by…

Who Does Mental Illness Affect?
Approximately 1 in 4 adults and 20% of youth between 13 and 18 experience mental illness in a given year. Most common are anxiety disorders,…

Do You Need to Take a Pregnancy Test? Here Are the Warning Signs You Should Look For
Are you a woman who has recently had unprotected sex? If so, you may be pregnant without even knowing it. It’s easy for women to…

Are You at Risk of Getting Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are asymptomatic, non-cancerous cysts that sometimes grow on women’s uteri. Typically, they’re no big deal. Many women can go their through their entire…

How Liposuction Can Get Rid of Stubborn Body Fat and Weight
Diet fads and weight loss have been hot topics on the minds of many men and women for decades. While there are a plethora of…