6 things to know as Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program launches today

Enrollment for the Michigan’s expanded Medicaid program has just begun now. The officials of the State opine that they are mentally prepared to hand a…

Clinton: Michigan Democrats should tout health law

The former President of United States Bill Clinton said to a fundraising crowd that Michigan democrats need to tout their health law in the fall…

Dr. Kenneth Elmassian: Healthy Michigan Plan helps people, economy

All discussions about health policy and health care should begin and end with a motive that what is best for the Michigan patients. No doubt,…

Michigan community mental health centers turning away patients, blame ‘flaw’ in Medicaid expansion

The runners of the community mental health program across the Michigan State claim that they are trying to shun off thousands of mental health patients…

Michigan Health Systems Seek Cure for Dearth of Doctors

Michigan doctor offices, health service promoters, and medical schools are trying to tackle the paucity of doctors which is supposed to augment in few months…

Enrollments open for Healthy Michigan Plan

The State’s newly launched Healthy Michigan plan has been accepting applications since 1st April with the intent to provide health care service to 0.5 million residents…