Diagnosed With A Rheumatic Disease? You Can Still Lead A Fulfilling And Happy Life!

If you lined up four people, chances are that one of those people will have been diagnosed with arthritis, at least, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention March 2017 Vital Signs, in other words, 25 percent of the population. Furthermore, 26 percent of adults are expected to be diagnosed with some form of arthritis by 2040, which is about 78 million citizens.

What Are Rheumatic Diseases?

Many doctors had trouble asking,”What are rheumatic diseases?” It is because rheumatic diseases back in the day would have been categorized in a much broader sense, simply labeled as rheumatism. However, obviously with the advances of medical science, it can be stated with confidence that there are now more than 200 rheumatic diseases that are distinguishable from each other. Think of the diseases like vehicles. Sure, technically, they are all vehicles and share common traits but one vehicle might be a truck while another vehicle could be a van.

Regardless of what rheumatic disease an individual might have, it shares common symptoms that require the examination of a specialist to pinpoint the specific type. An individual may feel joint pain or even loss of motion in their joints as well as inflammation in various areas, especially the joints. You may feel stiffness, or trouble walking and gripping objects.

Unfortunately, it is hard to pinpoint the exact cause of rheumatic diseases. You might have a predisposition because of your genes or even your gender. In fact, women are affect far more often than men. Your environment also has an impact on this problem. Oftentimes it can be your immune system wigging out against your tissues for an unknown, sometimes known, reason, like Lupus, an autoimmune disease.

Treating Rheumatic Diseases

If you experience issues mentioned before, it is better safe than sorry to speak with rheumatologists to explore that avenue. If you have been diagnosed, it is not the end of a happy life! While it is usually chronic in nature, there are avenues for treatment of rheumatic diseases. Many diseases come with some form of medication. However, regular exercise, that does not cause extreme strain on your body, can be a way of preventing your joins from further stiffening. This is in turn then keeps your weight in check, another factor in maintaining your rheumatic disease that can cause unnecessary pressure on your joints. However, in very severe cases, surgery is scheduled for joints that are too far damaged and need replaced.

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