Are you looking for scientific solutions for cellular health? Taking multivitamin and mineral supplements has been shown to be one way to provide scientific solutions for cellular health. People in the United States have been taking these types of supplements since they first became available during the early 1940s.
It is estimated that over one-third of Americans currently take dietary supplements. Approximately two-thirds take at least one type of supplement, and these usually consist of multivitamins and minerals.
Supplements are often recommended for adults that are on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Approximately ten percent of adults in the United States claim to be vegetarian. The Vegetarian Times recently released a “Vegetarianism in America” study that showed 7.3 million people follow vegetarian diets. One million of these individuals identify as vegans, which means that they do not eat any animal products.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults should consume a daily amount of at least 0.8 grams of protein for each kilogram of their body weight. Since vegans don’t eat animal products such as eggs and cheese, both of which are sources of protein, they often eat nut butters and other protein-rich foods to meet their dietary requirements.
As adults enter their 50s, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines provides specific recommendations for daily B12 requirements. In addition to obtaining B12 from synthetic sources such as fortified foods, the guidelines also specify taking dietary supplements.
Infants may also be prescribed supplements, particularly vitamin D. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants, whether they’re exclusively or partially breastfed, should receive 400 IU per day of vitamin D. They also indicate that these supplements should be given shortly after birth and continued until the infant is weaned.
In addition to fulfilling basic dietary requirements, supplements have been used to alleviate occasional hot flashes during menopause, to assist with digestion, as well as to boost metabolism when people are focused on being more active and losing weight.
Supplements are also used for these and other specific purposes:
- For breast health
- For detoxing
- For hormonal support
- For metabolic health
- For prostrate health
Before taking supplements, it would be a good idea to consult with a physician, dietician, or other medical health professional to determine the best ones for you to take. Whether you want supplements for removing toxins from your body, improving your digestion, or for other reasons, such as hormone supplements, these can assist you with attaining your optimal health goals.