The Difference Between ER, Urgent Care, and Doctors

There was a time that your only hope for getting medical care was if the traveling doctor happened to be in your area at the…

More About Using Ibogaine for Addiction

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a big problem all over the planet. One form of treatment that has helped many people is ibogaine therapy.…

Disorders of the Jaw and How to Recognize Them

Problems with the jaw are fairly common in the United States. By some estimates, as many as 15% of all Americans have some kind of…

Three Things to Know About Rehab

When most people think of drug rehabilitation they probably cling to the things they’ve seen in movies and television. While some of these depictions of…

What is a Dermatologist?

Skin cancer drastically outweighs the number of all other cancers diagnosed but roughly 2,000%, making it the most diagnosed cancer out there. Just over the…

5 Tips for Selecting the Right Hearing Aid for Your Lifestyle

One in eight people in America use hearing aids, but they are fortunate because not everyone in the hearing-impaired community can afford them. Hearing aids…