Physical Therapy for a Sore Back

The human form is geared by natural evolution for a lifetime of walking upright on two legs, rather than four. To this end, the human skeleton features an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvis bone, long legs, and arched feet. This is a result of our early human ancestors abandoning their tree-bound lifestyle to begin running and hunting game across the African plains, and walking upright gave early humanity many natural advantages. Still, walking like this comes at a cost, even today, and chronic back pain is quite common around the world today. Countless people are experiencing ongoing pain in their lower back, or they have reduced flexibility or have arthritis in their knees or ankles. Fortunately, only the most serious cases of back injury call for invasive surgery, while most back pain cases can be handled with non invasive rehab tools and systems. This ranges from chiropractic adjustment tools to computerized range of motion testing equipment at a hospital.

Why Back Pain Happens

Many surveys and studies are done each year to track the current state of public American health, and this certainly includes back pain and joint pain, too. What do the numbers show? Around half of all working class Americans admit to getting back pain symptoms every year, and at any given time, 31 million Americans are experiencing full-blown chronic back pain (defined by duration of that pain). Back issues like these affect one in three women and one in four men, and experts say that around 80% of the entire American population will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives.

As for causes of lower back pain and spinal issues, a number of common ones have been identified, such as working hard manual labor (such as construction jobs). Such labor puts stress on the spine and back muscles over time, and this may likely lead to lower back pain later in life, even after retirement. Meanwhile, suffering a sports injury or car crash may strain a victim’s back and muscles, causing pain and distress. Pregnancy can also put painful pressure on the spine for women, and many surveyed Americans also blame ongoing stress for their lower back pain. Meanwhile, simple old age can often cause back issues, due to many decades of walking upright and fighting gravity. This causes the spine to collapse on itself and bend forwards, which may reduce mobility and flexibility, as well as inflame the joints and pinch nerves or muscles. Thus, pain.

As mentioned earlier, full-blown surgery is only needed for serious emergency cases, while non invasive chiropractic methods or a hospital’s computerized range of motion testing equipment can help provide non invasive medicine for back issues. It is common for Americans to get treatment like this, usually with good results.

Back Pain Solutions

Imagine a victim who suffered a serious sports injury or got in a nasty car crash, and is recovering in the hospital. If they don’t need surgery, then they will undergo physical therapy, or PT, at the hands of one or more physical therapists. Not only will the patient perform exercises and stretches to regain their balance and strength, but the therapists can use tools such as handheld algometers and even computerized range of motion testing equipment, often high tech. What does computerized range of motion testing equipment involve? This may vary somewhat from brand to brand, but overall, these systems come loaded with programs that prompt a patient to perform bends or stretches, or other exercises. Also, motion capture cameras can track the patient’s movements and feed data to that program, so it can adjust the exercise routines and track the patient’s overall progress. A patient may also have handheld devices used on them that will test muscle resistance, all without breaking the skin. Such devices also give accurate readings for the therapist’s reference.

Meanwhile, someone suffering lower back pain may visit their doctor for a referral, and then visit a chiropractor. This doctor can use basic adjustment tools and even their bare hands to readjust the patient’s bones and muscles to relieve pressure on joints and nerves, and relax the muscles. A patient may get similar results when they sign up for private yoga sessions and perform bends and stretches.

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