Pain management is something everyone can relate to. You probably have your own daily routines to keep those aching muscles and popping joints at bay.
Working in the field of pain management, whether it’s auto accidents or age-related issues, will give you a whole new appreciation for the art. You understand intrinsically how easily a body can break down. Just as well, you also understand the benefits of good tools in reducing these symptoms and returning a person’s life back to them. Make this the year you improve your equipment from the ground up. You could end up slicing recovery time in half.
Which chiropractic adjusting instruments should you replace this year? Let’s look at some of the more common ones.
Defining Chronic Pain In Modern Times
The definition of pain is one that’s always evolving and changing. Why wouldn’t it, when society is always shifting its standards for quality of life? It’s estimated over one and a half billion people around the world suffer from chronic pain — this is defined as any pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer. It’s also defined as a pain that interferes with day-to-day life. This can mean struggling to climb a flight of stairs or having to take constant time off work to rest.
Why Back Pain Is Getting Worse In America
While chronic pain can take on several forms, back pain is easily one of the most pervasive. In fact, over 30 million Americans today experience lower back pain at any given point in time. Lower back pain is widely considered by today’s chiropractors and doctors to be the single leading cause of disability worldwide. This is often caused by poor work environments, bad posture, and age. It can be made worse through neglect, such as neglecting to stretch or exercise regularly.
Automatic Strength Test For Chiropractors
An important tool for any chiropractor is the automatic strength test. This is used to determine the basic threshold with which a patient can function. Muscle strength testing equipment is constantly being updated to take into account every little subtle detail. It’s worth taking a look at this chiropractic adjusting tool to ensure it’s holding up to modern standards. Of the 55% of patients that see a doctor today, a minimum of 30% pain reduction has been reported.
Physical Assessment Software For Clinics
Without appropriate software to record and compare this information, your clinic will run much less efficiently. Today four out of 10 Americans will approach a chiropractor before a doctor when suffering from lower back pain. This is proven to be smart on a personal and financial level — this habit has the potential to save Medicare $83 million every year. Physical therapy software is explicitly designed to cross-reference information gathered with other tools, such as range of motion data and muscle testing machines. They also sync with rehab tools to record recovery in the long-term.
Rehab Tools And Systems For Recovery
Americans see physical therapists to learn not just the source of their pain, but how to personally keep it under management. Once their meetings are over they’ll have to maintain a strict daily or weekly routine to ensure they don’t get worse. Overall, Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain. Rehab tools and systems include professional massagers, heating pads, and adjusting tools. Will your equipment keep your patients healthy and happy once they finish up their last session?
Pain management looks a little different for everyone. Figure out what works for your patient by investing in automatic strength tests and adjustment tools that deliver.