Selecting a Syringe Infusion Pump: 3 Considerations to Keep in Mind

For any hospital or medical care facility, choosing the right type of equipment is key. Making an informed decision here can allow you to provide superior treatment to patients, improve public perception, and ensure budgetary concerns are adequately addressed. But what are the most important factors to consider when making this choice? When exploring your options for syringe infusion pumps, you’ll want to make certain your final decision ticks the following three boxes.

  1. Reliability: Above all else, the medical equipment you bring into your facility must be reliable. A model that’s prone to inaccuracies or that’s wholly outdated won’t provide a positive experience for patients. Keep in mind that the IV pumps that were considered reliable five years ago will now be surpassed by newer versions. That’s not to say you should always choose the newest model on the market; technology can be a double edged sword, particularly for facilities that don’t have the proper infrastructure to support the most recent advancements. But you’ll certainly want to consider consistency and ease of use when making your selection, as these two concepts will typically point to how reliable a piece of medical equipment (and subsequent treatment) will be.
  2. Costs: The average hospital rents or owns over 35,000 SKUs of equipment at any given time. Although your facility cannot afford to skimp out on necessary pieces of equipment, budgetary concerns do come into play when making purchasing decisions. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to lease equipment rather than to buy an infusion pump. In others, owning equipment outright may be more advantageous. You may also need to compare the features of several different pump models to determine which are most important for your facility and which are simply unnecessary. You must also factor in the costs of training staff members and providing ongoing maintenance for pumps. It’s important to conduct thorough research into infusion pump providers as well, since costs can vary quite a bit. Having a clear idea of budgetary constraints and essential equipment features will allow you to determine your priorities when selecting syringe infusion pumps.
  3. Safety: Having the ability to offer a safe experience for patients is paramount. Smart pumps, for example, are typically thought to reduce medication errors and provide greater patient safety. While there are many safeguards in place to improve the patient experience with help from this equipment, smart pumps are not a substitute for proper staff training. You should always read the reviews of any pumps you’re considering and research the potential risks associated with a given piece of equipment to ensure you’re selecting products that will make it easier for your staff to provide the safest environment and treatment process possible for patients.

Selecting the correct syringe infusion pumps for your facility will require a good deal of work. But this work is necessary in order to make the correct decision for the needs of both patients and staff. To learn more about the equipment we carry, please contact us today.

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