You know that what you do is important. Every day, your patients come to you after visiting a slew of general practitioners, physical therapists, and pharmacists, desperate to relieve the pain in their muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Most of the time, you are able to help where others can’t. You are proud to be a chiropractor, proud of being a part of a 44,000 person team working nationwide to relieve neuromusculoskeletal pain and weakness. But it’s a dark time for chiropractors, as you well know. The median wage in your field is dropping, and people are leaving the profession in droves.
We believe that a big contributing factor to this downturn is a lack of understanding that chiropractic services must be supplemented with excellent, relevant chiropractic marketing. The information age has changed the game. Gone are the days of tapes, seminars, and direct mail marketing. If you want to stay in business, you’re going to have to expand your expertise beyond chiropractic services and explore the chiropractic practice management side of things.
Now if you’re thinking “I spent years honing my chiropractic services, I just don’t know if you can teach this old pro new tricks!” We understand. Luckily, there are many outfits that offer training for chiropractors, and not professional training. Business and development training — the kind of training you need. We highly recommend looking into chiropractic consultants who will be able to guide you through the re-vamping process step by step. Five things that chiropractic management groups can help you with include, but are not limited to:
1. Getting your practice online. If you don’t have a user-friendly, up-to-date website in this day and age, you’re practically dead in the water. A good consultant can see to this for you and educate you in this brave new cyber world.
2. Effective SEO marketing. SEO, or search engine optimization marketing, is a series of marketing content strategies that work with Google’s algorithms to put your practice higher up in the list of relevant search returns. It is extremely effective, but highly technical, so you are going to need help if you want to take advantage.
3. Improving the customer experience. This can be as simple as providing a place to provide feedback or setting up a 24 hour answering service. Either way, a consultant will help you identify weak points in your system and choose the customer relations strategy that’s right for you.
4. Indirect marketing. The modern population doesn’t like to be sold to. They would rather have information available with which they can self engage. A good chiropractic consultant will help you change those SPAM emails into friend requests and helpful blog posts.
5. Re-branding. Your brand is what sets you apart from all the other chiropractors out there. Examples of brand features include logos, slogans, poster design, etc. There is tons of data on what brand features consumers respond to, some of which is counter-intuitive or seemingly insignificant. It is important when redesigning your brand to have an expert on hand.
We want you to stay in this field. Let the experts help you do it!