Aside from adults who shave their heads bald for style, all American adults have hair on their heads, and almost everyone cares quite a bit about that hair’s appearance and quality. This is reflected in the massive scale of the hair care industry today, and around the world, consumers are buying shampoos and hair gels, hair dye, combs, hair weft extensions, hair curlers, and much more. Hair styles for men and women have changed over time and often capture the public’s attention, anything from the beehive hairstyle of the 1950s to the Farrah Fawcett look popular in the 1970s and beyond. However, hair is a natural feature of a person’s body, and it may sometimes behave or change in ways that the person may not like. For example, hair loss is a natural and common but undesired aspect of hair, and balding is common among men. Hair loss can’t be easily prevented, but there are some means of reducing its impact on a person’s head, such as hair transplant surgery. When a hair loss sufferer looks for hair transplant surgery clinics in their area, they may like what they find.
Trends of Hair Loss
Thinning hair or bald spots may develop on an adult’s head as they age, and this is common to men and women alike, but men in particular will face this hair loss as they age. Today in the United States, around 35 million men are experiencing noticeable hair loss, and around 21 million women are, too. In fact, around 95% of men will experience common male pattern baldness at some point in their lives. Once a person starts losing their hair, this hair loss may continue for about 10-20 years until it stops, and a person may lose as many has half of the hairs on their head. Once half of the hairs on their scalp are gone, the hair loss is easily visible to any observer, and this upsets many American adults. By the time men are 35 years old, for example, two in three of them have experienced a degree of hair loss, and by age 50, a huge 85% of men have experienced significantly thinning hair on their heads.
Studies have been done to track what American adults think of all this, and not only is hair loss universally disliked, but many Americans would go to great lengths to avoid or fix it. Over half of surveyed adults said that they would spend their entire life savings if it meant restoring all of their lost hair, and even more said that they would prefer a head of fully restored hair over money or friends. While there is no “magic potion” to completely restore a person’s lost hair out of nowhere, today’s hair transplant surgery methods and hair loss clinics can go a long way toward filling out thinning hair or erasing bald patches on one’s head. How might hair transplant surgery be done, and what are the results of this work?
What Hair Transplants Can Do
A person who is experiencing significant hair loss may look up hair loss clinics in their area, and search by their home town/city name or even their ZIP code to find something local. A search such as “hair transplant surgery Boston MA” or “hair loss specialists in Los Angeles CA” can show some local results, and the client may choose a clinic that is nearby and visit. They may consult the doctors there, and if they like what they hear, they may choose to sign up and get hair transplant surgery done on them.
Hair loss doctors can’t conjure lost hair out of nothing, but modern, minimally invasive surgery may be the next best thing, and often provides positive results. Doctors will carefully remove a thin layer of the patient’s skin to obtain hair follicles in units of one to six, and place these small clusters of hair and skin onto the patient’s scalp to fill out thin patches or bald spots. The hair will be oriented for a natural look, and the doctor may relocate as many hair follicle units as needed. This won’t add new hairs, but it fills out bald or thin patches naturally, and there are few if any side effects for the patient.