What to Expect From an Urgent Clinic Visit

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Going to an urgent clinic or urgent care center can be a daunting process. This video gives a step-by-step guide to what occurs upon entering an urgent care facility.

After getting to urgent care, you will be moved to a room and a registered nurse will conduct your first evaluation. Instead of being examined in the triage room like at an ER, you get evaluated at your bedside.

You must clearly describe the problem so the nurse can accurately assess what’s the matter. List any medications you are taking, as well as a brief medical history. The nurse will then check your vital signs and call the attending.

From there, the attending physician will come in and evaluate your symptoms. They will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment. If they are unable to do so, you may be sent to the emergency room.

It is important to note that patients are seen based on the severity of their condition. More severe cases will go first and it is not assured that you will go back to see the doctor in the order you came in. Remain patient and calm, and let the staff know if your condition worsens.

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